
6 Favorite Parts of a Wedding Day from a Wedding Photographer

Hi! My name is Jordan Varela and I am a Utah wedding photographer based in Salt Lake City. While I enjoy all aspects of a wedding day as a wedding photographer, there are some special moments that are especially fun to capture behind the camera. Below are a few of my favorite moments to photograph at a wedding.

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Engagement, Tips, Poses Jordan Varela Engagement, Tips, Poses Jordan Varela

5 Classic Poses For Your Engagement Shoot That Even You Can’t Mess Up

The big day is finally here. The love of your life said yes and now you have face the mighty and intimidating camera. You hate taking pictures. You’ve always sucked at taking pictures. What do you do with your hands? What side is your good side? What if your smile is weird? How are you possibly going to be able to pose for an entire hour?

Fret not! These are common fears before your first photo session. If you’ve hired a pro, which I hope you have (check me out here if you haven’t :)), then you have nothing to worry about! Photographers know how to pose everyone from outgoing extroverts to camera-shy introverts. But if you’re still anxious about what to do, the check out these classic pose ideas for your engagement shoot that even you can’t mess up.

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