
Beautiful and Heartwarming Surprise Proposal and Engagement Session at the Bonneville Salt Flats

She said yes! This week we’re back at the salt flats with Alex & Aiden bringing some good news! Alex contacted me looking to surprise his girlfriend with a meaningful wedding proposal at the Bonneville Salt Flats while they were on a road trip through Utah. Prospective proposers - be like Alex & hire a proposal photographer! Your proposee will appreciate it :)

We had a plan set up where I was to act like I was a random photographer taking photos of the beautiful salt flats alone while Alex was to approach me asking to take a photo of them with his phone. I would then proceed to ask if I could take a pic of them with my camera doing a cool pose I saw online. Alex would then get down on one knee and ask her to marry him. I must say the plan went off without a hitch! - At least not yet wink wink

Once the dust settled we proceeded to have a wonderful engagement session. One of the perks of being a wedding photographer and engagement photographer is that you get to see your clients at their happiest, and this day was no exception! There is nothing like the feeling after getting engaged (I can vouch) and heaving an engagement photographer there to capture that pure joy is such a great idea. Especially at an incredibly beautiful location like the Salt Flats.

The ground at the salt flats was still wet from the crazy amount of rain we got in Utah this year. This allowed for a pool of water to collect where we were able to get stunning reflection photos. We were also gifted with a truly magical salt flats sunset. How are they always so good here?!? If you’re wanting to make some magic out here, you know who to call!

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Dreamy Couple’s Sunset Session at the Bonneville Salt Flats

In early June I received a inquiry from Harlee & Alan about doing a just-for-fun session at the Salt Flats in Wendover Utah. Usually when a couple reaches out for a session that is so far away from Salt Lake City, it’s usually for a wedding or engagement session. From the beginning I was very excited for this session as this was their first time visiting the Salt Flats. When we met up near Wendover the couple informed me that they traveled over 7 hours from Reno, Nevada! This was quite the honor and now the new record to beat! We got a hazy day at the Salt Flats that resulted in an amazingly beautiful sunset. Harlee wore a flowy black dress that couldn’t have been more perfect for the very windy Salt Flats. The Salt Flats are truly magical

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Engagement, Tips, Poses Jordan Varela Engagement, Tips, Poses Jordan Varela

5 Classic Poses For Your Engagement Shoot That Even You Can’t Mess Up

The big day is finally here. The love of your life said yes and now you have face the mighty and intimidating camera. You hate taking pictures. You’ve always sucked at taking pictures. What do you do with your hands? What side is your good side? What if your smile is weird? How are you possibly going to be able to pose for an entire hour?

Fret not! These are common fears before your first photo session. If you’ve hired a pro, which I hope you have (check me out here if you haven’t :)), then you have nothing to worry about! Photographers know how to pose everyone from outgoing extroverts to camera-shy introverts. But if you’re still anxious about what to do, the check out these classic pose ideas for your engagement shoot that even you can’t mess up.

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